Hello. I’m Robert Cettl. I am a freelance author | EFL education professional | ethnographic filmmaker | eDocument designer and former SAR Research Fellow at Australia’s National Film & Sound Archive [NFSA]. I have an HBA (film/media), GCTESOL, GDIS and MTESOL and am currently pursuing a Dissertation in Education by distance from where I live and work in China, teaching EFL (mostly Academic Writing) to sophomore English majors (and occasionally doing proofreading at post-graduate level) at the University of Jinan [UJN], Shandong, China where I have been throughout the Covid-19 crisis to date. Although I have been in China for 7 years now (about), my sporadic scholarly non-fiction is published in the USA by McFarland & Co. Inc. and Bloomsbury Academic and is collected by such as the National Libraries of China (Beijing), Australia (Canberra), and the US Library of Congress (Washington DC). My experimental autoethnographic digital video feature films are housed in the NFSA and are forthcoming through video-on-demand, tentatively made available on my YouTube channel.
I own and operate an ebook ecommerce / digital publishing website - robertcettlebooks.com - where I self-publish mostly self-authored works in a variety of genre (alongside single page and other oddments which are otherwise unpublishable) but sporadically work with other authors - including seniors and their families and people with disabilities - who are not able to take advantage of the time-consuming international self-publishing network. However, active in self-publishing - more as a hobbyist than a dedicated professional untill now - I have pieced together a presence on that network that I use for my own interests and now offer to others who may wish to work with me on a casual, friendly (though I do have contractual options if required) basis for mutual benefit and international exposure. In this, I am easy-going, but professional and often a perfectionist when it comes to quality control; more can be read about my background in transmedia digital publishing here.
This blog is a personal outlet, although it also serves promotional and self-promotional purposes. It is, like so much of my auto-ethnographic output, a work-in-progress though this time I am determined to maintain it regularly and as dedicatedly as I can manage between my full-time employment commitments. It is the central blog of several that I have commenced to maintain that cater to my publishing interests, beginning with a venture into senior-assisted digital publishing. Comments and feedback are always welcome and I hope that my often verbose tendencies at least contain enough of interest, novelty or curiosity to make them worthwhile.
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